Happy New Year!
January Goals
I’m going to be spending 1-2 weeks this month at conferences/workshops (SICB, MISS workshops, eScience Software Carpentry workshop), so I’m going to set a more limited list of goals:
Review and pick a text-to-speech (TTS) tool for reading academic papers
Establish more regularly-scheduled working hours! For the sake of establishing a better work-life balance :)
Look into several grants/funding sources that I may want to apply for over the next year or so (GRFP, Fullbright, etc.)
Update my CV. I want this to be my hyper-comprehensive CV that lists every single maybe, possibly relevant item. Note this will NOT be a CV I’m going to send to people without serious editing, I just need a place to keep track of everything that might eventually be important!
Write a preliminary draft for the Pacific Cod RNAseq project
Reviewing December Goals
So I somehow forgot to actually post my December goals and didn’t realize until I checked back to make this review 🤦♀️. Instead I guess I’ll just go over some of the bigger things I did in December:
Finished up my first quarter at UW! Passed all my credit/no credit classes and got a grade in QSCI482 that I’m really happy with :)
Fully reformatted my lab notebook site
Got integrated into Zotero, my first reference manager tool