January goals
Log activities daily in Lab Notebook.
Last quarter I got overwhelmed with work and stopped posting my daily activities in my lab notebook. I want to reinstate that habit!Log all data analysis work (e.g. running a WGCNA) in dedicated post in appropriate project page.
Similar to the first goal, I’ve been relying on Github to log all the analysis work I’ve been doing. That work should also be detailed in my lab notebook.Spend maximum 50 hours/week working. Log daily hours in Lab Notebook.
Last quarter, with the intensive TA position, grant applications, committee prep, and transitioning to E5 expression work/leadership, I worked a lot, and I was really burned out by the end of the quarter. I want to hold myself accountable to a more manageable work schedule this quarter. This time logging will begin my first week back from SICB (Monday, Jan 13). I expect my time breakdown to be roughly:
20hr/wk classes (SWED 101, FISH 513); 15hr/wk TAing (QSCI 381); 15hr/wk thesis work.
Overview of last few months
I failed to set goals or consistently log daily activities for the last several months, but here’s an overview of what I got done last quarter:
Submitted completed GRFP application
Submitted completed SIFP application
Began work and leadership on E5 deep-dive-expression project
Began work on E5 time-series-molecular project
TA-ed my first class at UW (and learned a lot about the importance of making your TA work efficient)
Formed Master’s committee and had first committee meeting
Presented E5 time-series-molecular work (specifically, coexpression of genes, miRNA, and lncRNA) at SICB – my first in-person conference presentation!